About The Pearls of Wisdom

This story begins with the long-awaited birth of Princess Shalimar, the sole heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Bandalay. A mysterious Birth Angel appears above the castle to bless the new princess with special gifts, including two white doves named “Wisdom” and “Magic.”the pearls of wisdom The doves guide the child on her winding path to “Enlightenment.” They teach her that wisdom (knowing) and magic (believing) are each halves of the whole that is enlightenment.

The doves assist the princess through many events that test her courage and challenge her faith in herself, and in the goodness of life. During these trying times of loss, fear, and self-doubt, Shalimar must learn how to draw upon the inner strength of her soul. She discovers that all things happen for a reason, whether we understand those reasons or not. This insight was one of many offered by her mentor in all things magical, her beloved and ever optimistic “Aunt Tilly.”

The primary conflict in this story dwells within the character of Princess Shalimar. When she realizes that her angel’s gifts have caused her to feel different and set apart from others, she begins to question whether they were a blessing or a curse. Ultimately, her choice is either to believe in who she is or to surrender valuable parts of herself in order to be accepted and loved. So the question is: If she gives up what makes her special to find love—is that love worth having? And, can that truly be love?

the pearls of wisdom book illustrationsEarly on, Shalimar encounters a ghostly blue “seawolf” who appears beneath her window. Symbolic of her own higher power, he reminds her that the answers to her questions can always be found within, once one becomes still enough to listen. The young princess befriends many magical beings, including the Merpeople of the Enchanted Emerald Sea who can only be seen by those who believe in them—as is true of most magical things!

Through her challenges, Shalimar learns when to hold on, and when to let go, and receives unexpected lessons from her losses that help her grow. She discovers that the death of loved ones need not bring never-ending sorrow, but rather, a peaceful embrace of the circle of life, along with acceptance of that which we cannot change. the pearls of wisdom book illustrations

Shalimar’s brightest “pearl of wisdom” comes from her awakening to the infinite, magical possibilities in life that can be achieved—once they can be conceived and believedShe discovers that when we allow ourselves to believe what our souls already know… then we become free to create our own reality, to embrace our unique gifts and purpose, to be who we were meant to be, to reach our highest potential, and to manifest our most treasured dreams.

Read an Excerpt from the Pearls of Wisdom > 

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