Interviews, Articles, Videos, Events and Services

Check back for upcoming events such as radio interviews, print articles, video clips, book signings, workshops and other personal appearances.

Sheri Engler is an experienced mentor, medium, and metaphysicist with a background in psychology, counseling and research. To arrange a speaking appearance, life coach session or reading with Sheri or a workshop in your area, contact her at

Radio Interviews

“Is There Truly A Reason For Everything & How We Chart Our Lives” – with talk show hosts Jonna Spilbor & Keryl Pesce from their radio show ‘Happy Hour with Jonna & Keryl’ on WSPK in Poughkeepsie, New York and KSPK in Colorado City, Colorado

“If There Really Is A Reason For Everything, What Is It?” – with talk show host Mary Jane Popp from ‘The Poppoff Radio Show’ on KAHI in Sacramento, California.

“Making The Metaphysical World More User-Friendly!” – with talk show host Sakura Sutter from her talk show ‘Love From the Hyp’ on KKNW in Seattle, Washington.

Interview with Internet Radio host TJ Ryan from his Out There Podcast show.
Click on Are Your Deceased Loved Ones Trying To Contact You?to listen in.

“The Dark Side Of Halloween” – with talk show host Heidi Selexa on the ‘Heidi Selexa Show’ broadcast from Genesis Communications in Los Angeles, California.

“Reestablishing Community Through Ancient Wisdom” – with talk show host Orv Graham on ‘Sunday Morning Easy’ from WEZC in Decatur, Illinois.

“Is Our Frenetic Lifestyle Birthing A Return To Ancient Wisdom?” – with talk show hosts Robin MacBlane and Larry Whitler on ‘AM Ocala Live’ from WOCA in Ocala, Florida.

“Contributing To The Good Of The Whole – A Return To Our Tribal Roots” – with talk show host Dan Michaels broadcast from WAZY-FM in Lafayette, Indiana.

“The Many Messages Within The Pearls Of Wisdom Book”
 – with talk show host Pamela Brewer from her ‘MyNDTALK’ broadcast on Station WPFW Washington, DC.

“Connecting With Your Loved Ones On The Other Side”
 – with talk show host Ed Greene from his show ‘Q&A with Ed Greene’ on iHeart Radio Station KOA.

“Are Your Deceased Loved Ones Trying to Contact You?”
 – with talk show host James Bragg from his show ‘At Your Service’ on Station KSAR Thayer, Missouri.

“How To Be Your Authentic Self” 
– with talk show hosts Cheryl Gillespie and Sam Shakura from Canada’s Rock House ‘At Home Radio Show’ Kelowna, British Columbia.

“How Can Parents Empower Daughters To Overcome Today’s Pressures?”
with talk show host Twanda Black from her show ‘Business In The Black’  on Station WALR Atlanta, Georgia.

“Conversation Among Intuitives”
with talk show host Cinnamon Moon on Two Moons Talking Blog Talk Radio.

“Are Your Deceased Loved Ones Trying To Contact You?”
– with talk show host Kara Ro on Podcast Station CKLW.

“The Pearls Of Wisdom Book”
 – with talk show hosts Rodd and Rae on GCN Podcast USA Radio Network.

Print Articles

“Seven Tips For Fathers Raising Daughters In Today’s World.” –  It wasn’t that long ago when a father’s job was to attend his daughter’s pretend tea parties and make her a pretty dollhouse. But today’s fathers must navigate a new world and avoid gender specific roles when it comes to raising their little girls to be strong women. Read More…

“What Was Your Inspiration For Writing The Book?” – There’s so many different things involved. It started 18 years ago. It started out as a reflection of my own life growing up. It became more urgent when I watched my daughter going through grade school. I realized that girls who are blessed for whatever reasons with too many qualities or abilities are having a very hard time. We’re very oriented toward helping the less advantaged. And that’s as it should be. But on the other hand we shouldn’t be crippling our brightest and best resources for our future. Read More

“5 Ways For Parents To Empower Their Daughters.” – Encourage pride in being who they are on an authentic level. Help them experience life’s many aspects so they may explore their natural abilities and interests, while paying particular attention to what truly brings them joy — because that is usually where their authentic selves reside. Read More

“Take Your Kids To Work Day.” – This day could be extended to a day of community volunteerism to take a child in need with you to work. Children in shelters, foster homes, institutions are the ones at highest risk for not being able to integrate into society or discover their skills and desires. Read More

“How Does The Universe Give Us Signs That We Are About To Meet The Love Of Our Life?” – Or is the real question, “How do we give the universe signs that we are ready for it?” Because the universe does not presume to know what you want, it gives you more of what you have and what you truly believe about yourself and your life. This cosmic law can be a powerful tool once studied and mastered. Read More

Video Clips

Soon to come… The Global Vibrational Shift.


Book Signing: Saturday, October 6th from 2:30 – 4:30
528 NE E Street, Grants Pass, Oregon


Sheri’s spiritual awakening workshops, personal readings, life coaching and psychic mentorship is illuminating, vibrationally uplifting and life changing. She answers questions and delivers information from a deep universal connectedness.

To arrange a reading, life coaching or mentoring session, contact Sheri at (541) 840-5627.

Rate: $150 per hour. Payment made via PayPal.